Neil Armstrong’s quote “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” has always inspired me. The first of mankind to put step on the moon. On 25th May 1961, President John F Kennedy announced the dramatic and ambitious goal of sending a man to the moon before the end of the decade, a mission that would scare the most experienced of experts. But, they did it. Just the thought of this brings goose bumps on my body.

With this and many such inspirations, I had started Koru Technologies back in 2011. I wanted to do something dramatic, something ambitious. It gave me a high to chase impossible goals and make them possible. Now, after six and a half years, I am equipped with a team comparable to the one that worked on Apollo 11. My team is my strength and we all are very proud of the workplace that we have created together.

Koru started small and scattered, and engaged itself in all directions. We worked on all sorts of things right from website design to PHP development, and ‘Koru Technologies’ was apt to represent us back then. However, we soon realized the best way to serve our clients is to be great at what we do. We shed all the extras and the ‘not-so-exciting-to-do’ stuff, to focus purely on UX Design. UX itself wasn’t as standardized as today, nevertheless we knew that ‘large complex products’ (that’s what we called it then) are what excite us. We loved solving complex usability issues found in these complex software. We continued to refine our focus and Koru eventually became ‘The Enterprise UX Design’ company. And, you may have read the story about the janitor with a broom at Nasa who was asked by John F Kennedy what he was doing and he replied “I am helping put a man on the moon!”. At Koru, we all share the same passion to implement UX solutions that can make the lives of millions of users better, to help eradicate their struggle with ugly, difficult to use software that enterprises have been using since decades.

With Koru, our goal is to be the first in the minds of people when they think of Enterprise UX. Our new logo is in sync with this ideology. It depicts the transformation and traces our journey to the present times. It shows our ethos have not changed and we are the same ‘inside-out’. The circular shape of Koru helps to convey the idea of perpetual movement while the inner coil suggests a return to the point of origin. The various lines in the logo suggest the different elements that combine to make Koru a ‘go-to’ name when it comes to Enterprise UX.

The road ahead

We are undoubtedly in the midst of an enterprise UX renaissance. More organizations are making large investments in UX to stay abreast with industry shift and gear up for the future. We will play our part in the movement by becoming the go-to UX partner for product and development companies, to solve some of the most compelling UX challenges.

Like Kennedy, we are not afraid to set ambitious goals, Our vision for 2025 is to make Koru world’s most preferred company that exists to help businesses with enterprise applications to unleash the power of UX.

We are proud of what we have created and thrilled to do more and better in future.