Can UX Teams Conquer Stakeholder Engagement?

5-Step Proven Strategy

- Step One Identify your Stakeholder - Step Two Conduct Interview - Step Three Map your Stakeholder - Step Four Document your Research - Step Five Devise your Engagement Plan

Identify your Stakeholder

By definition, a stakeholder is a person who may be affected by what we’re doing or can influence its success.

Conduct Interview

Stakeholder interviews are the best way to intensify our connection with them and build a shared understanding of what are we doing and why.

Map your Stakeholder

This power-interest matrix is a great technique to identify key stakeholders, and how to deal with the different types including the difficult ones as well.

Document your Research

Armed with the data from your stakeholder interviews, the next step is to encapsulate all the information by creating stakeholder profiles for individual key stakeholders.

Devise your Engagement Plan

And now to the final step of the plan to get buy-in from stubborn stakeholders. To turn things into a meaningful conversation.